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This activity helps users understand the quark structure of elementary particles. Users choose combinations of three quarks to see what particles can be made. Click on the "Curious?" button reveals a number of...
This collection of games and puzzles hosted by Fermilab is a good demonstration of many of the principles of modern particle physics. Topics include particle accelerators, calorimeters, particle counting and trapping,...
This web page provides an interview with astrophysicist John Bahcall about his contributions to the solar neutrino theory. The responses present Bahcall’s decades-long quest to understand neutrino emissions from the...
The Interactions.org website serves as a hub for news, information, images, and links for particle physicists. Educators and students can find a sizeable image collection and short videos and animations describing the...
The homepage of the Division of Physics (PHY) at the National Science Foundation displays the department's activities in Atomic, Molecular, Optical, Plasma, Elementary Particle, Gravitational, and Nuclear Physics. A unit...
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