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(6 classifications) (12 resources)

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Albedo (1)
Atmospheric radiation (4)
Atmospheric temperature (3)
Solar radiation. Sunshine (7)
Temperature of rivers, lakes, and springs (1)
Temperature of the earth (6)



The book, Sorbjan, Z (1996):Hands-on Meteorology, published by the American Meteorological Society, is an excellent source of ideas for teachers to use in the classroom. However, no book can be complete, so this web site...
This radio broadcast discusses how scientists' views of global warming have changed since the subject first emerged some 20 years ago. Topics include the nature of the warming process, once thought to be a gradual...
A unit designed to develop student awareness of the atmospheric conditions in which we live. Math concepts include: statistics: keeping a log and reading data; using charts and tables; ratio and percentage; temperature...
This web page, authored by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, is a teacher's guide for an activity on energy transfer through radiation. Students investigate the relative absorption of light energy by...
University of Alaska scientists report that Alaskan glaciers are melting more rapidly than anticipated; an estimated 24 cubic miles of ice disappearing annually. Conditions promoting glacial growth vs. shrinking are...
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