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(8 resources)
These lecture notes from the University of Michigan's Global Change curriculum provide information about paleoclimate and climate modeling. This website includes a list of suggested readings, an image-rich overview of...
Based at Duke University, the Clark Lab "conducts research in plant community ecology, paleoclimate and fire ecology." The lab website contains brief descriptions of various research projects on Forest Dynamics and...
This guide provides instructions for educators on how to access and use coral radioisotope data for classroom activities. The data consist of Sr/Ca ratios and Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) for coral samples near...
This Geotimes article provides information regarding the inference of paleoclimate (global climate change) from proxy data such as ice core (oxygen isotope) records and biota found in deep sea sediments. The article...
This Oceanus article provides an overview of paleoclimate studies by discussing past and current methods for determining paleoclimate. It explains how the geological record has become an important archive for...
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