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These web pages, authored and curated by David P. Stern, provide an explanation of forces in accelerating reference frames. Topics include centrifugal force and what is felt in vehicles that are speeding up or slowing...
It's one thing to learn about physics in a lab, but it can be quite another thing to make a pilgrimage to an amusement park to take in the laws of physics. Users will have to supply their own corn dogs and popcorn, but...
This site, from UCLA's Department of Physics, contains web and in-class demonstrations of physics concepts in the topic areas of mechanics, harmonic motion and waves, electricity and magnetism, acoustics, optics, matter...
This is an English translation of the 1905 article by Albert Einstein that establishes the relation between the mass and energy of a particle. The article was published in the book The Principle of Relativity and...
Authored and curated by David P. Stern, this is a lesson plan for teaching frames of reference. It is linked to text material on reference frames, aberration of light, and a very short introduction to the foundations of...
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