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Vibrations (3)



It's one thing to learn about physics in a lab, but it can be quite another thing to make a pilgrimage to an amusement park to take in the laws of physics. Users will have to supply their own corn dogs and popcorn, but...
Created by Edward Kluk of Dickinson State University, this web site provides course materials for an introductory mechanics class. Topics covered include: kinematics, forces, energy, and momentum. Each page features a...
This lesson builds upon the previous two (Newton's Second Law and the First Law of Thermodynamics) by explaining that conservation of energy is not perfectly observed, in that energy is lost as it is transferred from...
This website from the Exploratorium provides an activity on building a Zoetrope, a device that produces an illusion of action from a rapid succession of still pictures. The site contains written instructions and video...
This website, authored by Fu-Kwun Hwang of the National Taiwan Normal University, contains an applet on circular motion. The simulation portrays a ball on a string swinging in a circle. The radius of the circle and the...
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