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(13 resources)
Located in Beaverton, Oregon, CMOP addresses, through advances in scientific understanding, technology and education, society's need to manage increased development and manipulation of coasts and land-margins while...
Coastlines are places of continuous, often dramatic geological activity. They change daily and seasonally, but especially over long time periods. This interactive feature discusses the forces that help shape coastal...
This reporting system is a cooperative project between the NOAA CoastWatch Great Lakes Regional Node located at the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory in Ann Arbor and the Great Lakes Sea Grant Network....
The Smithsonian has produced this excellent resource that compares the rocky shore environment of Maine to the coral reef environment of the Caribbean. The materials compare these two unique marine ecosystems. Lesson...
This site from the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve includes information for K-12 educator professional development, teacher workshops, habitat workshops, and online lessons and lesson plans. Site...
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