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Distribution of salinity (1)



A collection of the datasets from the IRI/LDEO Climate Data Library, which contain important information about our planet Earth. Datasets include: Topography, ENSO (El Nino-Southern Oscillation) Monitor, Historical...
Links to a variety of current oceanographic databases. Provides access to in situ and remotely sensed data, models, and a photo library from all over the world. Data available includes temperature, salinity, biological,...
This resource introduces students to the idea of saline water. Topics include how saline water is defined and how dissolved salt concentrations are expressed (parts per million). Parameters for the various ranges of...
This Science at NASA article reports the ability of the halophilic bacteria Halobacterium to survive lethal doses of radiation, extreme dryness, and the vacuum of space. Potential applications for industry,...
This radio broadcast describes a technique called 'salinity shock' which is being used to kill plants and animals that ride in ballast water on ships. Oceangoing ships are now dumping their freshwater ballast at sea and...
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