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This site from SERC's Starting Point describes the creation of specialized maps for lab or lecture locations within the United States using the Terraserver site, a collaboration between the USGS and Microsoft. The site...
Search the 2-minute gridded global relief data and images to get ocean and land areas, 30-second gridded land topography, or archived 5-minute gridded global relief data for your area of choice. Read the geographic...
Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access, PASDA, is the State Geospatial Data clearinghouse for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. PASDA is also a National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Clearinghouse node that provides free...
In this activity, students will learn the more advanced mapping skills of calculating back azimuths and triangulation. Using a local 7.5-minute series map, the teacher will select a starting point and an obstacle, have...
This lesson shows students how to use various types of scales to measure distances on a map. Topics include the statement of equivalency, bar scales, the representative fraction, and how to measure distances along a...

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