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This instructional guide is designed to provide instructors with lecture support on the concept of shifting baselines and its application to marine fisheries. Shifting baselines are defined and their contribution to...
With a penchant for invasive species management and habitat restoration, the Fisheries and Habitat Conservation Program within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is interested in creating an environment for both "healthy...
This instructional guide is designed to provide instructors with lecture support on the topic of marine fisheries with an emphasis on those species that are commercially harvested in the United States. Factors...
This instructional guide is designed to provide instructors with lecture support on the topic of marine fisheries with an emphasis on those species that are commercially harvested in the United States. Proposed and...
This instructional guide is designed to provide instructors with lecture support on the topic of marine fisheries with an emphasis on those species that are commercially harvested in the United States. Marine fisheries...
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